Important Dates- Tab Four

Important Dates are separate from notes, so they can be changed without impacting notes and vice-versa. Important Dates and their associated description may be added, changed, deleted, or sorted. This is similar to the 'Event' functionality of CCNX.

Adding a Date

Click on the '+' symbol to insert a placeholder date/description on the bottom of the list.

  1. The list scrolls to make the inserted placeholder visible if it isn't already
  2. Change the date/description placeholder to suit.

Changing a Date/Description

Use the first column's date widget change the date. For the associated description

  1. Click on the description text and then double click to highlight the text.
  2. Edit the description as needed.
  3. The 'Time From or Until Date' column is automatically calculated when the date is changed.

Deleting a Date

Select the date/description by clicking on its row and then click the '-' symbol.

  1. A sheet dialog window appears asking to confirm the deletion
  2. Confirming removes the date/description from the list and the data

Time From or Until Date

For a past date, the elapsed column ( last column on right ) specifies time since the date. If someone's birthday is entered, the elapsed time is their age in Years, Months and Days. For a future date, it shows how much time will elapse before that date arrives. For example, putting in your child's future school graduation date will show how many years, months and days before that date arrives.

Sorting by Date or Description

The dates may be sorted via the date or description column using the small disclosure triangle in the column header.

Adding a Note for a Selected Important Date

Right click ( or hold down the Control key and click ) on an Important Date's description and a contextual menu appears with two options:

  1. Add a note for the actual date - meaning if the date is October 10, 1971, make a note for that date
  2. Add a note for the current year - meaning if the date is October 10, 1971, make a note for October 10 of this year( maybe 2019 if that is the current year). This is a good choice when the date is a birthday

When a note already exists for the date, both options will append the Important Date description to the end of the existing note.

Sorting by Date or Description

The dates may be sorted via the date or description column using the small disclosure triangle in the column header.